Bottled Silica Waters from around the World

Bottled Silica Waters from around the World

You need 48 ppm or more of OSA to remove aluminum.

Appendix I – Bottled Silica Waters of the World This following list of silica waters of the world was provided by Mr. Paul Watling and The table can be found in my Silica Water book.

Here is information on reading the label of bottled water for the (OSA) orthosilicic acid levels. 

There are 3 units of measure used to report orthosilicic acid levels,

1.  to convert silicon (Si) to OSA  – multiply by 3.4 

2. to convert silica SiO2 to OSA multiply by 1.6 

3. orthosilicic acid or silicic acid Si(OH)4 doesn’t need to be converted.  The units can be ppm or milligrams per litre, these are equivalent units of measure. 

The countries listed are where the water is sourced.

The list is not where the waters are sold.

Dennis N Crouse, PhD Harvard, Scientist and Author