Good News! Aluminum Levels Reduced by 40%

Good News! Aluminum Levels Reduced by 40%

My wife (Laurie) and I reduced our body burden of aluminum by 40% in the past 2 years by drinking silica rich mineral water. We are now below the Healthy Adult category. See table below.

We have been drinking silica water for 8 years and did our first test for aluminum 2 years ago. The test is a 24 hour urine test. I will post a link for ordering the test in the US. You have to have a lab near you and some states do not allow you to order tests yourself.

These results are incredible as they prove that drinking 4 cups of OSA rich water each day and avoiding dietary aluminum can lower “aluminum accumulation”. This Alzheimer’s biomarker, can be reduced and maintained at levels below that of an average 22-year-old by drinking Silicade daily for 6 years and can be further reduced 40% by drinking Silicade daily for 2 more years. I am 77 and Laurie is 69 years old.

Here are the results for 2021 and 2023

· Total 24-hour urinary aluminum levels in 2021:

· 0.74mmoles/24hr for Dennis

· 0.44mmoles/24hr for Laurie

· 2021 Healthy young adult category

· Total 24-hour urinary aluminum levels in 2023:

· 0.55mmoles/24hr for Dennis

· 0.33mmoles/24hr for Laurie

2023 Below Healthy Young adult category

We also work hard at eliminating sources of aluminum we are exposed to. List of sources of aluminum.

Here is the table.

Here is a link with more information on doing a 24 hour urine test for aluminum and how to interpret the results.

Improvements we have seen from drinking silica water:

Laurie and I did not have any noticeable cognitive issues prior to drinking silica water but we have seen improvements in our cognition. 

At 77 I have no major medical conditions and I am in shape enough to lead a large group of new parents on a 1 ½ hour 3 mile hike in the woods every week. My skin is still very flexible and my hairdresser commented that my face does not have any wrinkles despite the fact I have a few wrinkles. I have no pain in my joints, hips, and knees. My eyesight is good with no pathology. 

My brain power remains undiminished as evidenced by the publication of my 4th book this year. Do I attribute this all to drinking silica water for 7 years, no. Silica water is responsible for my continuing to have low blood pressure (both my parents had/have heart disease). Silica water has helped maintain and improve my cognition. My word recall and my ability to retain what I have read and apply it have improved. I also attribute my good health to routine daily aerobic exercise which I have being doing my entire adult life (45 minutes every other day). In the morning I sometimes experience stiffness and for the first few minutes hiking. This has decreased somewhat since starting silica water.  

The cognitive changes Laurie has noticed from drinking silica water are a “sharper brain”. For example, less word finding problems, less “senior moments” and her thinking is clearer and faster. The biggest surprise was we lost weight. We did not consider ourselves needing to loose weight when we started drinking silica water. We lost the weight slowly over a year or so. I am now back to the weight I was in high school. Dennis is back to his weight in college.  Aluminum inhibits two key steps in metabolizing carbohydrates and fats for energy generation.   Here is more information.  Remove aluminum loose weight

Here is a link to more anecdotal information from people with MCI and Alzheimer’s.  Improvements