1. You need to drink 3 to 4 cups of silica water to remove aluminum from your body. Spread your drinking throughout the day. If you do an activity where you sweat drink some silica water before starting.
For people with MCI or Alzheimer’s it takes 2 to 4 months to see improvements.
2. Silica supplements will not remove aluminum as some do not have the form of silica needed to remove aluminum. OSA (orthosilicic acid) is the form of silica needed. Some silica supplements contain OSA but do not have enough OSA to remove aluminum. These supplements have been tested by Dennis N Crouse.
3. This is called ‘Targeted Detox” as OSA only removes aluminum. OSA forms a tight bond with the aluminum which detoxifies the aluminum and also facilitates the elimination of aluminum from the body. OSA is orthosilicic acid and is the form of silica found in mineral water.
4. Fiji water isn’t the only water that has enough silica to remove aluminum. Here is a list of waters from all over the world that have enough silica to remove aluminum. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/08/26/bottled-silica-waters-from-around-the-world/
5. For a more sustainable way of getting silica water, there is a recipe for making your own silica water called Silicade. Silicade has the same amount of OSA as Fiji water. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/silicade/
Preventing or Reversing Alzheimer’s – 3 prong approach
1. Drink silica water to remove aluminum. 3 to 4 cups a day. Spread your drinking throughout the day. If you do an activity where you sweat drink silica water before the activity.
2. Take supplements, ‘nootropics’ to improve brain function. Daily augmentation with nootropics normally found in the body and regular periodic aerobic exercise have been demonstrated in human clinical trials to boost cognition and memory.
Link to Crouse Protocol There is a table at the end of the write up. (examples of nootropics are PQQ, CoQ10) https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/10/25/crouse-protocol-for-reversing-mci-and-ad/
3. Look for sources of aluminum and eliminate as many as you can. Cookware, baking powder (a major source), dyes in pharmaceuticals, foods and cosmetics, anti perspirants, antacids, most drip style coffee makers, drinking water that is treated with alum. Aluminum is used as a anti caking agent in many food products. For example: grated parmesan cheese.
For the antacids you can look for ones that contain calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. Antacids with calcium carbonate: Walgreens antacid white, Tums Natural, Equate, CVS natural (Look carefully at the labels as each company makes many different antacids)
Sources of aluminum. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/10/04/sources-of-aluminum/
29 thoughts on “Getting Started with Crouse Protocol”
I would like a list of recommended supplements. I clicked on the link above that you claimed had the list but I did not find it. Tx
Try this link. At the bottom of the write up there is a table with a list of the supplements for the Crouse Protocol. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2021/10/25/crouse-protocol-for-reversing-mci-and-ad/
hello- I was wondering even if we get coffee maker that is stainless steel, and use silica water do we need to be concerned about the coffee itself having too much aluminum in it?
Coffee beans are a source of aluminum. Not drinking coffee is another way to lower the amount of aluminum you are being exposed to. Laurie
The presence of aluminum in coffee beans is mostly a result of environmental factors and the materials used in brewing equipment rather than direct contamination during the growing process.
I’m writing here because comments are off for your discussion on coffee makers. I almost have my husband on board with buying a Bunn, but his concern is having warm or hot water in the tank all the time. He is concerned that it will be a breeding ground for bacteria, etc. Would you please address this?
I have never heard of any concerns in this regard. My sister has been using a Bunn coffee maker for close to 10 years and has never had a problem. I did a google search and could not find any concerns in this regard. You can also contact the Bunn company and ask them this question. If you get an answer would you let me know.
Kim I have more information for you the Bunn reservoir is kept at 200 degrees Fahrenheit(from their website). The danger zone for bacteria is 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. 99% of Microorganisms in water are killed at 149 degrees Fahrenheit. Please respond so I know you got this information. Thanks Laurie
If I use reverse osmosis water, do I still need to use sodium bisulfate?
You can start the recipe with RO water. YOU NEED TO ADD THE SODIUM BISULFATE you can not skip this step. excerpt from recipe “Neutralize to form OSA and prevent polymerization: In order to form OSA and other silica species in equilibrium with OSA (489) and to prevent OSA polymerization (435-437), immediately dilute the basic (e.g. pH=13) OSA solution to a gallon with tap water and then immediately render the solution non-hazardous by acidifying the solution to pH 4 to 5 with the solid acid sodium bisulfate.“
Thanks for the great info! I have been trying to find a source in the US to purchase the bisodium sulfate. Does anyone know of one? The reference and Dennis’s video no longer has it the last time I checked.
Here is a link for ordering the Loud wolf sodium bisulfate https://www.loudwolf.com/storefront/index.php?route=product/category&path=747
Hello, I am using Propur or ProOne water filter, which filters out most impurities, including aluminum. I use my filtered water to make the silica water per your instructions. Do I still need to run the silica water through the Brita water filter? Thank you
You still have to use the Brita filter as there are impurities in the ingredients which the Brita filter will remove. I see the pro one/pro pur filter removes fluoride make sure the company doesn’t use aluminum oxide (alumina) to remove the fluoride. If you find out they use aluminum would you give me the information. Thanks.
Thank you for your research and the information you have provided.
Regarding whether pro one/pro pur filter uses aluminum oxide (alumina) to remove fluoride. Here is the answer from Eilene at ProOne Support, “Our filters will not use alumina for fluoride reduction. We use a special, proprietary blend of activated carbon, ceramic, and diatomaceous earth.”
That is good news about no alumina but the bad news is that in the pH of the gut DE releases aluminum. I would not use this filter. I will get you the link with this data.
Diatomaceous earth releases aluminum in the pH of the gut. Aluminum is the 3rd most abundant element in the earths crust. Thanks for getting this information. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks for letting me know you bought the Brita filter.
Thanks for your work on all of this– I just ordered your book on Silica Water from Amazon. I’d encourage people to use distilled or RO water and make silica water at home as opposed to buying Fiji. Fiji still has 0.2-0.3 mg of fluoride which contributes to the calcification of the pineal gland, resulting in lower melatonin levels and neurodegenerative disease. Brita and most other pitchers do not filter fluoride. Also, I was wondering what lab you are using to test the silicic acid levels? I’m interested in doing some water sampling myself.
The amount of fluoride in Fiji water is below the US EPA standard for drinking water. Fluoride in Fiji water is 0.24ppm. The limit in drinking water is 2.0 ppm.
You can remove the fluoride in Fiji water or other water by making your own bone char filter. My husband has instructions for making your own Bone Char Fluoride filter. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2020/12/fluoride-filter-how-to-make-your-own.html Another write up on removal of aluminum and fluoride from water. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/2019/02/making-aluminum-and-fluoride-free.html
Most fluoride filters use alumina to remove the fluoride which releases aluminum into the water.
Here is a test kit for measuring OSA. Hach – Silica Test Kit, Model SI-5 https://www.hach.com/p-silica-color-disc-test-kits/1455400 If you decide to look for a lab the information for type of test is in Appendix IV in the Silica water book.
If you use RO or distilled water make sure you add calcium and magnesium to the Silicade.
Thanks for your reply. I’m about to order this test kit– just to verify, is this able to pick up the active silicic acid content of the water? Still a bit unclear on the difference between silica and the active form. Also, do you know the maximum mg/L water can carry before OSA precipitates/isn’t effective?– however you gauge that.
You will be measuring OSA which is orthosilicic acid. There are many forms of silica. If you want to learn more the different forms of silica are discussed in book Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Longevity in the Aluminum Age, available on amazon. Here is an excerpt from the book which answers your questions.
Appendix IV – Testing For Silica in Drinking Water
In drinking water there are primarily two forms of silica: silicon dioxide and OSA. Silicon dioxide exists in water as insoluble colloidal silica particles that if orally ingested temporarily remain in the gut and are not absorbed into the blood. OSA is soluble in water up to its saturation level of 200 ppm. If OSA rich water is orally ingested approximately 50% of the dissolved OSA is absorbed from the gut into the blood making it bioavailable, unlike silicon dioxide. Only bioavailable OSA can facilitate the removal of aluminum from the body’s internal organs. The silicon dioxide in drinking water taken from an aquifer in which the water has had a long residence time (i.e. many years) usually has been slowly converted with the addition of two water molecules to OSA.
Drinking water is usually analyzed for silica in one of two ways:
• The AWWA Silica Assay: The total amount of both silicon dioxide and OSA in drinking water is analyzed and reported as silica or SiO223. If the water contains primarily OSA, then multiplying the silica or SiO2 concentration by 1.6 gives the OSA concentration.
• Coradin’s Silicomolybdic Spectrophotometric Blue Assay: Only OSA and the OSA dimer are detected by a procedure that does not detect colloids of SiO229. OSA is usually reported as the OSA or Si(OH)4 concentration.
How important is it to add Calcium and magnesium if using RO or distilled water? I have extremely hard water at 30 grains so probably have no choice but to go that route to get around the PH issue with removing fluoride. Would it be harmful not to add calcium and magnesium if I’m taking it as supplements? what are the best options for remineralizing? Thank you!
If your supplements are providing you with the amount of calcium and magnesium required for your age then you don’t need to add calcium and magnesium to the Silicade.
Hi. How much calcium and magnesium would I get from the 3 to 4 cups a day if I were to add that in?
When following the instructions for the Silicade recipe there is 80 mg of calcium and 20 mg of magnesium in 1 gallon of Silicade . So for 1 cup – 5 mg of calcium and 1.25 of magnesium.
Cannot open any of your links as they require a google account. Is there another way to see the linked articles?
What internet search engine are you using ? Try copying and pasting the URL in the browser you are using. Here is the URL for Dennis’ blog bloggerhttps://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.blogspot.com/ Is there a specific article you are looking for ? Thanks for you interest in this information.
Hi, I’m trying to understand why we have to filter the water through a Britta filter if we use springwater or RO water to make the silica water? What substances do we need to remove as a result of mixing the two ingredients in the silica water? I’m just trying to figure out why we have to filter it if we use springwater to make the silica water.
There are impurities in the ingredients and the Brita will remove these impurities. Here is a link to FAQ on making Silicade. https://prevent-alzheimers-autism-stroke.com/2023/05/20/faq-about-making-silicade/