Rates of Alzheimer’s increasing ! Drug trial failures! Why?
Somethings to think about:
Read MoreAluminum is a known neurotoxin that is added to drinking water, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and food, such as colored candy and baked goods. In order to convince people that these products are safe, consumers have been told to blindly believe the following aluminum myths: • Aluminum compounds are inert or insoluble preventing entry into the body
Read MoreRung 24 – Counterfactual: Removing Beta-Amyloid is a Cure for AD Written by Dennis N Crouse PhD Excerpt from book “Finding a Cause and Potential Cures for Alzheimer’s Disease: Climbing the Ladder of AD Causation” available on Amazon Slowly accumulating fibrillary B-amyloid (a.k.a. AB, amyloid-B, beta-amyloid plaque, senile plaque), made from a family of peptides
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