Tag: Silica water

Posts from Laurie’s facebook group

Laurie has retired from doing the group. Here are some of the most popular posts made by Laurie. A little bit of aluminum every day can lead to a large amount of accumulated aluminum in the brain. It is estimated that 4% of the aluminum you ingest today will still be in your body 50

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My mother in law’s journey – Alzheimer’s -Improvement by Drinking Silica water

Written by Laurie Adamson This was written in 2017 and there is an update at the bottom 2020, and 2023.   Changes we have seen in my mother –in-law’s memory and behavior since drinking Fiji water.I would like to share my mother-in -law’s journey of stopping the progression of Alzheimer’s and improving cognition.  My husband and I

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Aluminum in the Brains of those with Alzheimer’s Disease

Prior Studies:·          In 2005 Andrasi, et al. measured aluminum levels in specific brain regions (e.g. hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and two areas of the frontal cortex) of three AD patients and 3 non-demented controls.  Compared to the controls there was a 2.6-fold to 6.8-fold higher aluminum levels in these regions of the AD brain1. In 2009 Fjell, et al., looking at

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